YWCA Clark County

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You Can Make a Difference in Our Community; Volunteer with YWCA Clark County

At YWCA Clark County, our mission is to eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. A primary piece of actualizing this mission in through our Sexual Assault and SafeChoice Domestic Violence Programs. Today, we are calling upon business leaders, college students, and community members to take action and volunteering with YWCA Clark County.Here's why you should consider volunteering with us:

Business Leaders & Organizations

  • Investing in Positive Change: Transform your company’s volunteer hours into an impactful contribution to our community. When you support YWCA Clark County's programs, you're not just volunteering; you're investing in positive change.
  • Maximize Corporate Benefits: Make the most of your company's corporate benefits by directing your volunteer efforts towards our programs. In doing so, you're fostering a stronger community.
  • Leadership in Action: As leaders in the business world, you have the potential to drive significant change. By volunteering with us, you can directly contribute to ensuring safety, dignity, and empowerment for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

College Students 

  • Earn College Credit and Engage in Internship Opportunities: Take your academic journey to the next level by volunteering or interning with YWCA Clark County’s Sexual Assault and SafeChoice Domestic Violence Programs. Not only can you earn college credits, but our internship opportunities provide a deeper involvement and learning experience. Immerse yourself in real-world advocacy situations, network with professionals, and contribute tangibly to our community's betterment.
  • Gain Valuable Experience: Ready to shape your future? Our volunteer programs offer invaluable life and career skills. Plus, it’s a unique way to demonstrate empathy, advocacy, and empowerment in action.
  • Be the Change: Domestic violence and sexual assault impact real lives every day. By volunteering, you're taking a stand against these issues and actively participating in making lasting change in the lives of those who need it most.  

Community Members

  • Diverse Skills, Unified Goal: Every person has unique talents and experiences. By volunteering, your individual strengths will support the actualization of our mission.
  • An Act of Solidarity: Volunteering is more than an act of service; it's a statement that we stand together against domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • Strengthen Your Network: Engaging with our organization connects you with like-minded individuals, expanding your community network and creating lasting relationships.
  • The Need is Real: Domestic violence and sexual assault are challenges we face collectively. Your contribution is not just welcomed; it's essential for holistic community healing and progress.

Our volunteers undergo comprehensive training, ensuring that they're equipped to make a difference. As a volunteer, you'll be providing critical support to survivors, enabling them to regain control of their lives. So, whether you're a business leader looking to contribute to a worthy cause or a college student aiming to create impactful change while gaining experience, YWCA Clark County welcomes you.Stand up and make a difference today. Volunteer with YWCA Clark County's Sexual Assault and SafeChoice Domestic Violence Programs and be part of a transformative journey towards a more empowered community.Ready to volunteer or learn more? Click here to visit our Volunteer page.